Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tell the World About Etsy Athens Style

Over the weekend we had a walk around our town, Athens, Georgia. We took some photos of my handmade goodies from Shoppe Sugar Cookie on Etsy. We took these photos to add to help people learn about Etsy around the world, and to show a little local love for Athens.

Flossy the Giraffe Embroidery Floss Bobbin at the fabulous 40 Watt in Athens, Georgia.
Here is my Flossy the Giraffe Embroidery Floss Bobbin hanging out at the fabulous 40 Watt. How can you not love the 40 Watt? I have seen so many amazing bands here, it is for sure the best venue to see music in Athens. LUV!

Flossy the Pony Embroidery Floss Bobbin by the bulldog, Athens, Georgia. #etsyeverywhere
Everyone in Athens knows that the University of Georgia's team mascot is a bulldog, so these statues are all over town. This one is interesting cos it looks like a postcard with the type going across, and the other side (not pictured) has illustrations of local stuff. This photo features my Flossy the Pony Embroidery Floss Bobbin.

Tofu Baby and the bulldog statue. Athens, Georgia. #etsyeverywhere
I also took this one with Tofu Baby.

Saw my Tiny Record Player Button in the window at Low Yo Yo Stuff! Athens, Georgia. #etsyeverywhere
We came across my Tiny Record Player Button in the window of Low Yo Yo Stuff! We did not even place that there, we just came across it this day. How cosmic!

Pickle Plush at the double barrel cannon, Athens, Georgia. #etsyeverywhere
Lastly, we went to see the double barrel cannon. I placed my Pickle Plush inside, then we called it a day. Hooray for Athens!