Friday, June 15, 2012

Let's Bake Banana Oatmeal Cookies

Cookie chick.
I love to bake, and I had some bananas that were turning brown and spotty. I did a quick search online and came across this recipe for oatmeal banana cookies.

Going in the oven.
This is a really simple recipe, and it was really yummy, too. I did some modifications to this recipe, as always. I used 2 bananas in this recipe - one the recipe called for, and the other as the egg replacer. One half of a banana is equal to one egg. These cookies did not have a very banana flavor, as the cinnamon and oatmeal took over, and the bananas make these cookies very soft.

Making cookies.
These cookies mix up really fast, too, and I used an ice cream scoop to shape the cookies. I wanted them to be a little larger than normal, so I would not have to be in the kitchen all evening. The ice cream scoop did the trick, and this batch made exactly eleven cookies!

Storing the cookies.

Cookie time.
The oatmeal banana cookies were a hit at our house and did not last very long at all! I really liked this cookie with a nice cup of tea in the morning, too - what a great brekkie!