Sunday, May 6, 2012

Girl Scouts Today, Leaders Tomorrow

TROOP 4504

Last Thursday, Missy gave a ZINE AND COMIC BOOK-MAKING demo to a group of GIRL SCOUTS from TROOP 13030, who are headquartered in Hull, Georgia. Their troop leader, Linden, contacted Missy a couple weeks ago about possibly helping the girls out with earning their COMIC ARTIST BADGES. Of she jumped at the chance, knowing what an honor it was to help the Girl Scouts in any way. Missy brought a bunch of her own self-published comics and zines to show as examples and then taught the girls how to make a "book" out of a single sheet of paper that didn't need the process, I think she even helped them earn a BOOK ARTIST BADGE as well!

TROOP 4601

TROOP 4602

TROOP 4600

TROOP 4502

TROOP 4503

TROOP 4501

TROOP 4507

Missy made a quick little zine, explaining that comics didn't need to be about SUPER HEROES, "you can make a comic about anything you want...I'm going to make one about some interesting things I saw today!"

TROOP 4505

Denise decided to write about a MOUSE who BAKED A CAKE:

TROOP 4508

TROOP 4603